Sunday, 23 September 2012

We are living in a yellow .....

We starting painting our house, the bright yellow looks smart.

Richard offered to help us with painting, thank you Richard. Always good to have you around.
Next time we take you fishing.

The back and side off the house is ready, hopeful the weather stays dry so we can finish the front off the house also.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Linda needs her hair to trim.

                                                Linda asked me to trim her hair, first
                                             time I trimmed her hair and it looks good.

                                           At the BBQ we had a lot off fun with the chalks.

                                 Everyone thanks for having a nice time together and Joy
                                                    for making the cake and cup cakes.


Monday, 30 July 2012

Sem had his birthday on 24 july.

                                           The 24 July was a big day for Sem and family.
                                   Sem his birthday , 1year now. Time for cake and presents.

                                  Sem likes his birthday cake and indeed it does look yummy.

                            Wednesday Sem , Marco and Kim come over to Norwich for a few days.
                                     We are al exiting and hopeful the weather stays nice.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Linda home for a few weeks.

Linda her holiday to spain was cancelled, They tried to book something els but the rain en cold weather kept the price so high.
Luckily Phil could pick her her up on his way from Denmark to England, passing Eindhoven.
Thank you Phil.

                                      The weather not being good it is being busy inside.

                  Finely today it was better and we made some nice photos by the pond.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

All different fishes.

From small barbel...


and bigger barbel....

and some special catfish...

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

On our way to France .

Bianca, Hendrik-Jan en Martin invited us to spent a few days with them in France.

We started from Norwich to the Netherlands, stayed there for a few days and from there to France.

This is there lovely house in France, after a warm welcome , a nice dinner ,we made planes for the next day.

Next morning we went to the river Le Vienna . The men are busy with getting everything ready.
The begin off a great holiday.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Painting fences and cleaning the pond.

Now the weather is better we tray to paint the fences and Ade has to clean the filters from the pond.

It does look much better in the brown colour. 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Not So Cute and Cuddly As You Think

Not Sure how many of you have been watching the TV programme about Urban Foxes but believe me it paints the fox as a cute and cuddly animal, sadly this week we found out to our cost just how wrong that image is.

This was Friday evening and Linda and Merve treat the chickens to a bit of TLC, having had the chickens for around a year they were hand tame and a big part of our daily life, the eggs are also fantastic quality and with 4 being laid most days we sure had plenty.

Sadly the local cute and cuddly fox somehow got into the chicken house on friday night and killed three out of the four of our girls

All you Fox fans take a close look 2 of the girls had their heads ripped off and the other a broken neck, the garden looked like the killing fields, believe me the fox would have his head ripped off if I got my hands on him, the gun is loaded and ready for him.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Two visitors from holland.

My sister Margriet and her husband Ben came over for a week, we all had a great time and the weather gods were smiling on us.

         We went to some nice places en of course we celebrate my birthday.
Thank you Margriet en Ben for everything.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

A great adventure.


                                           We had a great time fishing and watching wild life.

                                           And even in the jungle there is time for romance.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

We had a wonderful holiday in India.

                              We changed houses for two weeks for our holiday in India

                                We lived in the jungle.  And there is still a lot off wildlife.

                                 We were lucky to see the first day the elephants, incredibly.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Jigsaw is Finished

Ade has finished the floor and we are very pleased, the oak goes well with the character of number 20.

OK so whats next? Watch this space

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The floor is just like a puzzle.

We are busy to lay, glue and get the panels inn.  And it looks already great.

Even Florence try to help.

                            Yesterday Joy an Sam spend a day with us, Sam is 8 weeks now.



Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Next project is coming.

First big job in the new year is to lay a new floor.

But before we started Ade had a cosy moment with his grand daughter.

It is not easy to empty a room and put a new floor in.

We have to rough it for a few days but we are getting a nice floor.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Happy new year and all the best wishes for 2012!

Sometimes dreams come true.

My wish always was to have a camper but i never thought it would be come true, Ade had  the same wish.
Now we had the opportunity to buy a camper and we found one, 10 years old but a beauty.


                                          Hope we have a nice time whit our "Barbelbus"