Friday, 18 February 2011

whats next

We started on the living room.
We needed 4 test colours before we had the right one, no hoping that it IS the right colour.

I liked the apricot colour but it was not appreciate, too much orange!!
Wait and see what it is going to be :-)


  1. Wish you both all the best in the future, and the new home looks to be coming on just great.
    Look forward to catching up again soon.
    You will be pleased to know I have tried to look after the Barbel for you on the middle whilst you have been away mate!

    Ade (Stokie)

  2. cheers Ade we will be about in the next few weeks for a barbel fix, be good to meet up we need a few oat cakes

  3. Oatcakes coming your way mate, still no work at mo so let me know when your over and will get down to you?

